Building a Powerful Legacy

At Wiregrass Electric Cooperative, building a powerful legacy is more than a theme for this year's annual meeting — it's a pursuit of an ideal that guides us, day in and day out.

We aspire to be a driving force for economic development, a reliable neighbor, and a community advocate. Always there, always involved.

We understand legacies aren't built overnight. They're nurtured, growing with every connection, every innovation and every shared success. And you, our members, are a vital part of our legacy.

That’s why we created something special for you — a new video that pulls back the curtain on who we are today, deeply rooted in the communities we serve. It's an intimate look at our operations and our team that ensures homes and businesses in our vast territory are never left in the dark.

Ready to see what makes WEC truly unique?

Visit our website's homepage Wiregrass Electric Cooperative to watch our video.